Vesa (RCR) (#1327)
"That was my thought yeah. Just an unfortunate reminder to always check in with the vet just in case."
"That was my thought yeah. Just an unfortunate reminder to always check in with the vet just in case."
Niabi (HAVEN) (#4)
"I think June told me that she probably got it while she was still in the litter...and maybe that's why it got missed that she had the sickness in the first place."
"I think June told me that she probably got it while she was still in the litter...and maybe that's why it got missed that she had the sickness in the first place."
Cruellinnet (#6904)
"no it said she died of sickness, I never got a notif saying she was sick. She was 11 months old"
"no it said she died of sickness, I never got a notif saying she was sick. She was 11 months old"
ArticusWolfe (#11673)
"@Cruellinnet The only time a rabbit dies without sickness is due to old age. If she was 7 years old and above, it'd mean bunny haven came to get her ;^;"
"@Cruellinnet The only time a rabbit dies without sickness is due to old age. If she was 7 years old and above, it'd mean bunny haven came to get her ;^;"
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