Essie {SE} (she/her) (#168)
"you don't need to use nest material if that's what you're asking"
"you don't need to use nest material if that's what you're asking"
Vesa (RCR) (#1327)
"A lot of folks do it because there aren't enough active breeders to really avoid it and keep high statted stock. The only thing it does is just give an "Inbreeding in pedigree" note, but nothing else."
"A lot of folks do it because there aren't enough active breeders to really avoid it and keep high statted stock. The only thing it does is just give an "Inbreeding in pedigree" note, but nothing else."
Vesa (RCR) (#1327)
"At least inbreeding has no penalties. Unless it was just personal preference not to?"
"At least inbreeding has no penalties. Unless it was just personal preference not to?"
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