Cruellinnet (#6904)
"I am too familiar with what my rabbits look like, saw some for sale that I thought were mine, turns out they were kits of some from my lines XD"
"I am too familiar with what my rabbits look like, saw some for sale that I thought were mine, turns out they were kits of some from my lines XD"
Shadow (#5522)
"Its the numbers at the end of the link in the search bar when you click on the animal you want"
"Its the numbers at the end of the link in the search bar when you click on the animal you want"
Cruellinnet (#6904)
"I'm getting out of mine to focus on lion heads/ND's since those are what I have irl"
"I'm getting out of mine to focus on lion heads/ND's since those are what I have irl"
Vesa (RCR) (#1327)
"Oh how beautiful. English Lops are so tempting since they have such stunning art and color variety."
"Oh how beautiful. English Lops are so tempting since they have such stunning art and color variety."
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