Vesa (RCR) (#1327)
"Weird update on that. Two of my does show 2 days left on their cooldown but the rest show 1 day."
"Weird update on that. Two of my does show 2 days left on their cooldown but the rest show 1 day."
Vesa (RCR) (#1327)
"No, I've logged in daily and I've never touched the insta-birth item. All litters are still in my litter overview."
"No, I've logged in daily and I've never touched the insta-birth item. All litters are still in my litter overview."
Vesa (RCR) (#1327)
"Was the cooldown for does adjusted? My girls have 3 month old litters still but only 1 day on their cooldown. Didn't it used to be 2?"
"Was the cooldown for does adjusted? My girls have 3 month old litters still but only 1 day on their cooldown. Didn't it used to be 2?"
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